Pere Noguera's exhibition at la Filmoteca de Catalunya has opened!
  • Loose Threads
  • Mari Eastman
  • Iris Bernblum
  • Gary Cannone
  • Jaye Cho
  • Anne Eastman
  • James Kao
  • Dominique Knowles
  • Minami Kobayashi
  • Rebecca Morris
  • Jennifer Rochlin
  • Alice Tippit
  • Jina Valentine
  • Oli Watt
  • 24 January – 02 March 2024


    Dominique Knowles
    Jennifer Rochlin
    Oli Watt
    Gary Cannone
    Jennifer Rochlin
    Jennifer Rochlin
    Jennifer Rochlin, Alice Tippit
    James Kao, Iris Bernblum
    Anne Eastman
    Rebecca Morris
    Alice Tippit, Oli Watt
    James Kao, Mari Eastman
    Mari Eastman
    Mari Eastman
    Jina Valentine
    Mari Eastman, Jina Valentine, Jaye Cho
    Minami Kobayashi
    Oli Watt

    know more about

  • Mari Eastman
  • An exhibition with artists invited by Mari Eastman.


    “When I was asked by Bernat and Joana to put together a show  – I selected friends, former students, colleagues whose work I had recently come across and was entranced by, old friends making work which I had loved for years.  Most of what I picked felt fresh to me in the moment, and urgent, or had the long familiarity and sustained interest of a novel, or the quality of good friendships that feel comfortable yet alive.


    When I think about what connects the work, it is probably concerns that I recognise, that I grapple with myself:  the day to day, a love of aesthetics (by which I mean, letting the form and look of the work lead the meaning) a sense of humour, a light touch to serious subjects or light subjects given serious attention.  It will be for you, the audience, to figure out which is which. (…)”