25 August – 27 August 2017
Marseille, France

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For ART-O-RAMA 2017 Bombon Projects presents Dispersió de la primera pedra, an artwork that was originally commissioned by a new contemporary art centre in Barcelona called Canòdrom, a space which never opened in the end. The ceremonial act of “laying of the first stone” for the upcoming building, was in this case the subject of the work. This foundational stone was presented as an enormous object suspended in the air, either as some sort of a meteorite about to hit the ground or a levitating body.
Next to Margaux Valengin’s paintings of mythological-looking figures, it is inevitable to recall the myth of Sisyphus, who was sentenced to roll an immense rock up a hill. An action repeated to eternity, since every time he was about to reach the top, the rock would roll down to the bottom. Margaux’s paintings are drawn from mythology, especially because myths are powerful metaphors; thus the gigantic rock offers her a rich ground to stimulate the stories embedded in her images.
These works are accompanied by Oier Iruretagoiena’s Lenguas; sculptures that resemble tongues sticking out of the wall. These anthropomorphic, abject objects cheekily observe a scenario inhabited by epic quests and paranormal events. The aim is to establish a dialogue between these artists, making their works part of a theatrical set prone to multiple readings.