Fernanda Laguna's exhibition has opened at the gallery!
Portrait of the teenage artist (with black eye) B/W photography Hahnemühle Photo Baryta 188grs, Edition of 3 (1991-2008) (120 x 90 cm)

Jordi Mitjà’s work emerges from the study of particular materials from the area where he lives and in which he grew up. He operates from an appropiationism redrawn in terms of archival logic. In other words, his practice is born from an ambivalent process of accumulation and rejection of knowledge that simultaneously function as a trigger for the execution of his work. Through his sculptural work, Mitjà pays homage to his fascination for local relics, imperceptible from a global perspective. Mitjà collects waste and discarded objects; he tracks the territory ethnographically as if he was trying to describe the landscape that surrounds him.

Un perdre i posar ordre Unique xerox photocopies on painted paper (170 x 240 cm), 2022
OPTOMETRIA (Espectre, últim intent) Oil on canvas (200 x 240cm), 2020
Escultura debilitada Iron beam (142 x 22 x 22 cm), 2017
Sculpture is not important Installation view, Fundació Suñol, 2017
Leaking chair Iron tube and sheet galvanized in gold and water (83 x 52 x 43 cm), 2022
Portrait of the teengae artist (with black eye) Print on metachrylate, recovered billboards and neon tubes (160 x 142 x 12cm), 2019
Portrait of the teenage artist (with black eye) B/W photography Hahnemühle Photo Baryta 188grs, Edition of 3 (1991-2008) (120 x 90 cm) , 1991
Tocineria B/W photography Hahnemühle Photo Baryta 188grs, Edition of 3 ( 60 x 80 cm ), 2007
toCINEria Light box (350 × 30 × 17cm ), 2007
Pausa Digital print on Hahnemühle paper 60 x 55 cm, 2018
Tianguis Installation with sound and printed matter (300 x 600 cm aprox.), 2002
Artificial Digital video, monochannel (3 mins 42 sec), 1996
Untitled Galvanized iron (50 x 35 x 15 cm), 2018
Untitled Galvanized iron (38 x 25 x 29 cm), 2017
S/T Galvanized iron (30 x 50 x 40 cm), 2018
Lladres de filferro Installation view, Fundació Joan Miró, 2010
Blau dels ferrers, 2021 Mixed media on canvas ( 100 x 81 cm ), 2021
Plom i ferides Mixed media on canvas (100 x 81 cm), 2021
Dispersió de la primera pedra Inflatable, mixed media (320 x 350 x 400 cm), 2010

Gallery Exhibitions

  • Tot objecte repetit ocupa un espai únic
  • Jordi Mitjà
  • Pere Noguera
  • Pati Hill
  • 14 November – 14 January 2023
  • Return of the Junker -JM2000
  • Josep Maynou
  • Jordi Mitjà
  • 10 October – 06 December 2019
  • Jordi Mitjà (1970, Figueres) lives and works in Lladó. His practice embraces scultpture, photography, installation and printed matter.


    His solo exhibitons include Succeeix cada dia (Fabra i Coats, Barcelona 2020); Return of the Junker. JM2000, with Josep Maynou (Bombon projects, Barcelona 2019); Anarxiu Diapo (Cultural Rizoma, Celrà 2019); Foc d’aquell foll (Centre Cultural La Mercè, Sala Pati. Girona); Llegir amb les condicions idònies (Bombon projects, Barcelona 2017-18); L’escultura no és important (Fundació Suñol, Barcelona 2017); Magma (Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona 2016) or Monument. Lladres de filferro (Espai 13 Fundació Joan Miró, 2012), among others.


    His group shows include Cap a les deus / Una gramàtica fluvial, 2022 (Bòlit Centre d’Art Contemporani, Girona, 2021); Maraña. Julio Artist Run Space (París, 2021); Biennal Leandre Cristofol (La Panera, Lleida 2017); Punk -Its traces in Contemporary art (MACBA, Barcelona 2016 and CA2M, Madrid 2015); La lliço de Diògenes (Tecla Sala, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat 2016); The Fountainhead (Fondazione Zimei, Montesilvano 2015); VideoStorias (ARTIUM, Vitoria 2011); 89 KM (MARCO, Vigo 2010); Dispersió de la primera pedra (Canòdrom, Barcelona 2010) or Floating lines (Galeria Umberto di Marino, Napoli 2009), among others.


    His work is part of public and private collections such as MACBA (Museum of Contemporary Art Barcelona), ES; Banc Sabadell, ES; Empordà Museum, ES; Olor Visual collection, ES; Fondazione Zimei, IT or the Catalan National Collection, ES.


    Línia discontínua Galeria Cadaqués Cadaqués


    Succeïx cada dia Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani Barcelona


    Llegir amb les condicions idònies Bombon Barcelona


    L’escultura no és important Fundació Suñol Barcelona


    Magma Bòlit, Centre d'Art Girona


    Lladres de filferro (Espai 13) Fundació Joan Miró Barcelona


    Dispersió de la primera pedra Canòdrom Barcelona


    Floating lines Galeria Umberto di Marino Napli


    Meridiano Espíritu Fantástico Jose María SiciliaEster PartegàsTadaskiaHernàndez PijuanJoan MiróAlfons BorrellJuliana CerqueiraJosep Ponsatí Bombon-Nogueras-Prats Corça
    Tot objecte repetit ocupa un espai únic Pati Hill Bombon Barcelona


    Revelacions sobre una esfera informe PerejaumeAngela de la CruzRasmus NilausenFrancesco ArenaPere NogueraLuis GordilloVictoria CiveraMuntadasIgnacio UriarteThe late estate Broomberg & ChanarinLola LasurtMercedes AzpilicuetaFernando Prats Bombon-Nogueras-Prats Fonteta


    Cap a les deu Bòlit, Centre d'Art Girona
    Maraña Julio artist run space Paris
    Estar a la lluna Alicia KopfMercedes AzpilicuetaTàpiesUsléLeandro ErlichPerejaumePablo del PozoJosé María SiciliaJuliana Cerqueira Bombon, NoguerasBlanchard, Joan Prats Fonteta
    Parar la fresca Joan BrossaHannah CollinsAnne-Lise CosteHernandez PijuanMarine HugonnierChema MadozAna MendietaPerejaumeWilfredo PrietoLuna PaivaTeresa SolarAntoni Tàpies Bombon Barcelona
    S.M.S (Shit Must Stop) Babi BadalovMauro CerqueiraAffaireAngela de la CruzJeanne RoueArtists from original S.M.S boxes Barcelona


    Don’t get 2 close 2 my fantasy KHgalleria Ciudad de México
    Greatest hits Andrew BirkCristina GarridoVíctor JaenadaXavier RistolÁngela de la Cruz Sumer space Fonteta


    Return of the Junker -JM2000 Ángela de la Cruz Bombon Barcelona


    Biennal Leandre Cristofol La Panera Lleida
    Florilegi Margaux ValenginJoaquim MirEstanis ComellaAlba Yruela Bombon Barcelona


    Punk -Its traces in Contemporary art MACBA Barcelona
    La lliço de Diògenes Tecla Sala L’Hospitalet de Llobregat


    Punk -Its traces in Contemporary art CA2M Madrid
    The Fountainhead Fondazione Zimei Montesilvano


    VideoStorias ARTIUM Vitoria


    89 KM MARCO Vigo